An exciting partnership is proposed between Parade College, The Old Paradians’ Association and the Parade Community to establish a Parade College Foundation. The Gala Dinner gives us an opportunity to commemorate 150 years of Parade College (1871-2021). 

The concept of a Foundation provides Old Paradians and members of the wider community an opportunity to support the College as it continues to provide students with a catholic education, holding fast to the values of faith, service and justice. Parade has a strong sense of community and is widely acknowledged for its commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence. In the process, generations of young people have achieved personal success.

The aim of the Parade College Foundation is not for profit. It seeks the financial support of former students from Parade College, parents past and present, and friends of the school to deploy the income earned from that capital to the following:

  •  the provision of relief to the families of current Parade College students with respect to tuition fees and/or other financial burdens;
  •  the presentation of scholarships to current Parade College students; and
  •  the continued support of facility upgrades; and
  •  the support of Old Paradians in exceptional circumstances.


Your gift to the Parade College Foundation provides meaningful support to the Parade College Community. Your gift may also provide tax savings. 

The Parade College Foundation has DGR status so all gifts over $2 are fully tax deductible.

Please click on one of the links below to make a Donation.

If you wish to make a Donation for an amount not listed above please contact the College on 9468 3300.

History of the Foundation:

The concept of the Parade College Foundation, supported by the Old Paradians’ Association (OPA), was first proposed in March 2018 by Andy Walsh PSM (1971) and John Dinan (1977), who had previously met to determine what contribution they could make to the Old Paradians Association cause. The then OPA President, Lewis Derrico (1974), fully supported the Foundation concept, as did the Parade College Principal at the time, Dr Denis Moore cfc (1967).

In March 2020, a Foundation sub-committee was established by the OPA. The sub-committee comprised Andy and John - both of whom joined the Association committee for this express purpose - together with financial advisor Dino Rebellato (1978) and the College’s Alumni Officer & OPA CEO, Tony De Bolfo (1980). In August 2021, following a meeting of the College and the OPA Executive, and on the recommendation of the College Principal, Andy Kuppe (1983) - the next steps in establishing a Parade College Foundation were formalised, following a unanimous vote of the OPA committee, at a meeting chaired by the OPA President, Paul Shannon (1985).

The Parade College Foundation’s long-term goal is to raise funds through membership donations to a level where it is able to build a large capital base. The income raised will also be used to significantly assist the Parade College community in major building projects, upgrading its facilities, and for the benefit of all its students.