Welcome back to existing families and a very warm welcome to our new families joining Parade College in 2025! We look forward to getting to know you all throughout the year and wish all our students a smooth transition back to school life after their summer holidays!
There are so many things to discover and try at Parade College, and we hope your child find their interests and passions and follow them during their journey with us. We encourage you to remind your child to check the Student Bulletin each day for news about clubs, activities and promotions right across the College! This will help to make their secondary school experience personal. The best advice we can give our newest members of the College is to take advantage of all opportunities they are offered as this will help with the transition, making new friends and connecting to the College on many different levels.
Our newest Paradians attended the Orientation Sessions for the 2025 Year 7 students in December last year. Tutor Teachers and House Leaders had a great time getting to know their students and enjoyed their company. We hope our Year 7 students’ first day on Friday 31 January is equally as exciting and reassuring for them.
We know transition to a new school can be a time of great trepidation for students and their families, so here are some important upcoming events and dates for the beginning of the 2025 year.
Please remember we are all here to assist and your child’s Tutor Teacher and House Leader are a wealth of information should you have any concerns or questions.
Friday 31 January - 8:35am to 3:15pm
The Year 7 students will meet Friday 31 January at 8:35am in Moore Hall. Parents/Carers who are driving their child, please safely drop them off in the designated drop-off areas and they will be met by a member of staff who will guide them to Moore Hall. Please be guided by the traffic wardens on the day.
Friday 31 January 2.25pm to 3.15pm
On the first day we have the Fáilte (Welcome) Liturgy, where we recognise Year 7 and Year 12 mentors. This Liturgy welcomes our newest Paradians, recognises their work with their Year 12 mentor, and begins the process of handing on the traditions of our College.
Year 7 parents/carers are very welcome to join the students and staff for this in Moore Hall at Bundoora. Please arrive early to ensure we can begin on time. The Liturgy will begin at 2:25pm and conclude at 3:15pm. All Year 7 students will then be dismissed and able to head home with parents or on the buses/trains/trams.
On Thursday 13 February, parents/carers will be able to meet with their child’s Tutor Teacher and attend an information session with their child’s House Leader which will cover the details of the Year 7 Camp in March.
These events will be held on Thursday 13 February. A letter containing details about how to book the interview appointment with the Tutor Teacher for your Year 7 child (and your children in other year levels) and the times of the Year 7 Camp Information Sessions will be emailed home in the coming weeks – please check your email for this letter.
At Parade, we value being on time and prepared, as it is respectful of others and allows the things that we need to do to get done so that we can move on to the things we enjoy.
We have highlighted some key dates for the first few weeks so that all families can plan in advance
Friday 31 January - All Year 7, 11, and 12 students and all students at Preston campus.
8:30am - Arrival and Tutor Group
3:15pm - Finish for 7, 11 and 12 students
Monday 3 February - All Year Levels
8:30am - Arrival and Tutor Group
3:15pm - Finish for all students (Year 7 students finish at 3:05pm first 2 weeks)
At Parade, we value the tradition of wearing the College uniform respectfully to honour all Old Paradians who have worn the purple, green and blue with pride and respect over the last 150 years.
All families received updated communication regarding the College’s expectations regarding the correct wearing of uniform and their general appearance.
All day absences must be recorded on PAM (Parent Access Module) each morning students are away. If no reason is given, parents will be sent a text message around 11:30am reminding them to log into PAM to record the reason for your child’s absence.
Late arrivals and early departures must be recorded by families through PAM. There is no absence phone line, and students signing in late or leaving early will need to have had this recorded on PAM in advance. This will ensure our records are accurate.
If your child is arriving late or leaving early, this needs to be recorded on PAM as mentioned above. This can be found in the same place where “All Day” absences are recorded.
Once you click on the Parent Notified Absences icon, you will click arriving late or leaving early (see below). Once submitted this entry appears on your child’s electronic roll and alerts Student Services. There is no need to provide a handwritten note.
Your child will simply head to Student Services to officially sign in/out.
Please ensure your child does not have access to your PAM account. If you have forgotten your password, need an account reset or your child has access to your account please contact pamsupport@parade.vic.edu.au
Instructions on how to book appointments and the times of the information sessions will be emailed home to families in the coming weeks.
Bundoora and Preston Families
Parents will be invited to attend Parent-Tutor Interviews for all students at Bundoora and Preston on Thursday 13 February, between 3:40pm and 8:00pm.
More information will be emailed closer to the date regarding bookings and how the interviews and parent night will be held.
There are some changes to responsibilities in the Wellbeing Team for 2025. We make welcome, new to Parade College, Ms Amy Mazzitelli, (Dean of Students 9 and 10) and Mr Thomas Stafford, Lower Lynch House Leader. We wish our new colleagues a warm welcome to our College community.
Assistant Principal- Student Wellbeing | Jacob Williams |
Director of Safeguarding | Paola Fornito |
Dean of Students- Year 11 and 12 | Cameron Elmore |
Dean of Students- Year 9 and 10 | Amy Mazzitelli |
Dean of Students- Year 7 and 8 | Chris Nairn |
Bodkin Upper House Leader | Mark O'Dowd |
Bodkin Lower House Leader | Julian Pileggi |
Hughes Upper House Leader | Tony Trantino |
Hughes Lower House Leader | Michael Tremonte |
Lynch Upper House Leader | Sarah Harvey |
Lynch Lower House Leader | Thomas Stafford |
Nolan Upper House Leader | John Houlihan |
Nolan Lower House Leader | Maddison Jackson |
Treacy Upper House Leader | Jonathon Dib |
Treacy Lower House Leader | Jessica Wogan |
The Student Wellbeing Team of Tutor Teachers, House Leaders, Student Wellbeing Leaders, Deans of Students, Counsellors, Youth Workers, and myself look forward to welcoming your child to school for 2025 and helping all our students to have their own individual successes!