Thank you to all our parents and carers that attended our interviews with Tutors at both campuses last Thursday. From feedback on the night and the next day we received very positive and warming comments. A special thank you to Beth Henry, our Parents of Parade (POP) President who addressed our Year 7 families of how they can also connect with our great college!
We ask all parents that have children using our Charter bus system to discuss the importance of safety on the college’s bus network. We’re finding our students require ongoing reminders regarding their appropriate language in public, ensuring to adhere to the Bus Code of Conduct, implementing safety measures by using seat belts when buses have them fitted and the importance of respectful conduct. The College is currently working with our transport providers for increased and improved communications when any of their vehicle’s morning/afternoon are behind schedule, this can then be communicated to College families promptly. We appreciate your support and understanding with this matter.
Please remind your child to cross with the lights across Plenty Road. Students have been dangerously running across Plenty Road and causing cars to break heavily. It’s critical all our students receive the same message at school and home to cross with the lights. Plenty Road is one of the busiest roads in Victoria, please have this safety talk with your child, a similar message will be published in the Student Bulletin.
It was lovely to see so many Year 7 parents at the Camp and Treacy Trail Information session on Thursday 13 February.
In the week beginning 3 March we have Year 7 camps and Treacy Trail for all Year 7 students. Communication around this has been sent to all families on PAM. The return date for consent, dietary and medical requirements was Monday 17 February. All Year 7 students will be going with their House Leaders so if families have any questions please contact your son's House Leader, Tutor Teacher or the Dean of Students (7 and 8) Chris Nairn who families had the opportunity to meet at the Information Evening.
Year 7 Camp and the Treacy Trail are two of the most important parts of a student's transition into the College. These key events assist students in forming lifelong connections with each other, developing shared experiences within the cohort, assisting in building relationships with their teachers and allowing them to explore the Parade story and the stories of the Brothers who founded the College. Please see last year's images of our 2024 Year 7 students enjoying camp experience.
All our Year 7 students met on Friday 21 February to discuss the camps behaviour and expectations. All students will be reminded that they are only to be in their assigned cabin. If for any reason students are found in cabin’s that are not assigned to them, they may be sent home (collected by Parent/Carer).
Our Year 7 students have had a busy start to the academic year, which will continue in Term 2. Students will be taking part in online safety workshops hosted by Evolve Education on May 14 and 15. Below is some of the content that will be covered by the presenters on the day:
In addition to this, the Year 7 cohort will also be taking part in ‘Resilience Building Workshops’ hosted by Toolbox Education on 10 June, this workshop will teach our students how manage their emotions and how to deal with conflict. There will also be four follow up lessons in their Religion lessons to reinforce the content and its learning.
For parents/carers, this coming 13 March there is a parents information webinar on online safety hosted by Your Choicez. This webinar provides parents and students the opportunity to open the conversations, set healthy boundaries and establish a same-page approach to the use of technology within the school and home.
Our students engaged in the baseline survey last week and will commence their regular check ins next week. This additional wellbeing support platform will allow all students at Parade College to self-reflect and engage with any additional supports required. Please view the link here for information regarding our student experience.
Resilience is important for a child’s mental health. It is their ability to bounce back from failure, challenges, adversity and stress. It’s not something that students have or don’t have but a skill that can be developed over time as they grow. For more information, please click on the link for additional information - Resilience | Parade College - Bundoora
Years 8, 9 and 10 students have a range of exciting and informative presentations and activities coming over Term 1. Year 8 and 9 students will participate in the Proactive Policing session on Friday 28 February. Year 9 students will receive a presentation from the Pat Cronin Foundation on Wednesday 12 March. The Pat Cronin Foundation focuses on educating students about why resorting to violence is not the answer, and how to effectively handle conflict and their emotions. We hope the students find this presentation extremely valuable as they move into the next stage of their development. Further, select Year 9 students will have the chance to participate in Youth Leadership Academy Australia's Youth Leadership Forum, more details will be provided in the coming weeks.
Year 10 will participate in a workshop called ‘Ctrl your Scroll’ during Term 1 to further develop their cyber safety and online awareness. Students are also taking the next step into their leadership journey and select students will participate in a school network leadership community across a number of sessions this year. We look forward to continuing with them on their leadership development journey.
This year is a pivotal year in the Year 10 journey, with pathways becoming clearer and choice for VCE and beyond at the forefront of their minds. We will continue to support our Year 10’s with the next phase of their lives by equipping them with the resources and skills to ask questions, approach the year with curiosity and move forward towards the next stage of their educational and personal journey.
Our Year 11 students have the opportunity to attend the award-winning RYDA Road Safety Education workshop later this term, on Thursday 20 March at Bundoora Campus. RYDA is designed for 16 to 17 year olds as they begin to drive or ride in cars driven by their peers.
To complement the RYDA student workshop, this year we will be offering parents and guardians the opportunity to engage in a short Drive Coach workshop, to be held on Tuesday 1 April at 6.00pm at Bundoora Campus. Drive Coach is a practical workshop which updates parents on the latest research and road safety approaches.
Additional information regarding the student workshop and parent session has recently been sent to Year 11 families. The RYDA website also have more detailed information on the RYDA Program, as well as a number of resources and articles designed to support parents and guardians.