During our latest College Assembly, we had the pleasure of recognising the achievements of the VCE and VCE Vocational Major Class of 2024. Celebrating the accomplishments of our students is an important part of inspiring our students to consistently pursue excellence.

The return to school after summer can sometimes pose challenges for students in terms of reacclimating to the learning environment and routines. As we settle into the academic year, it's natural for students to sometimes find subjects challenging or experience periods of reduced enthusiasm. Although not always apparent at the time, these moments often lead to growth in resilience and problem-solving. If your child expresses concern about their learning, we encourage them and their families to contact their teachers to bring this to their attention so that together we may discuss strategies to assist. While it is essential to offer support, it is equally valuable for students to first explore strategies on their own and with the guidance of their teachers. Small adjustments can often address challenges that arise, and it is important for our students and families to know that working through challenges is an important part of their learning. By working together, we can more successfully support and guide students with their learning and personal growth.

PAM (Parent Access Module)

For families who are new to Parade, it is important to know that the Parent Access Module (PAM) and SIMON are tools that allow students and their parents or carers to receive feedback on student progress in each subject. PAM’s continuous reporting feature allows parents to view their child’s work submission status and the results of submitted tasks throughout the semester. Where families have questions regarding accessing PAM, please contact PAM support (

Student Assessment

Where a student does not submit work or needs to resubmit work that initially received a grade below a C, teachers will communicate the matter via a letter. This letter, accessible to parents on PAM, serves to notify them of these circumstances. Information about assessment tasks, including due dates, can be found under Learning Areas for each of your child’s subjects on PAM. These dates and tasks will be updated by subject teachers as the semester progresses. Letters created by teachers serve as the primary communication method to inform parents about tasks that were not submitted or need to be resubmitted. Teachers will continue, however, to communicate other concerns about your child via email or phone. We always welcome families to reach out to their child’s subject teacher to discuss how we can collaborate to support their progress.

For questions about curriculum and assessments, please contact the appropriate Dean:

  • Ms Tegan Hopkins - Dean of VCE VM (incl. Sport and Business Academy)
  • Mr James Fogarty - Dean of Learning (Years 10 to 12)
  • Ms Nadia Bonvicino - Dean of Learning (Years 7 to 9)
  • Ms Scarlett Faulkner - Curriculum and Innovation Leader (Year 9 ExCEL Program)

Student-Free Day Tuesday 11 March for Teacher Professional Development

Please be aware that Tuesday 11 March is a student free day with teaching and support staff involved in professional learning activities at the Bundoora Campus.

Semester 1 Student Progress Interviews 

There will be two opportunities for Student Progress Interviews in Semester 1 on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 1 April – In Person (Term 1 – 3:45pm to 5:45pm and 6:30 to 8:30pm)
    • All interviews will be held at the Bundoora Campus (including those for students who are based at the Preston Campus).
  • Wednesday 23 April – Online (Term 2 – 4:15pm to 6.00pm and 6:45 to 8:30pm)

Further information on how bookings can be made on PAM will be communicated to families closer to the date.

Study Support Sessions

As we continue to create a culture of high expectations, and in line with the College’s PEERS (Prepare, Engage, Elevate, Respect, Safe) agreement, a new initiative has been introduced to help students complete overdue homework. From this term, students in Years 8 to 12 may be issued a lunch time Study Support Session for non-completion of homework.

Subject teachers will monitor homework completion and may assign students to a Study Support Session when necessary. The student will be notified by their teacher about the session and which day they are required to attend. Students who complete the overdue homework before the session are still required to attend and may use the time to complete other homework, read their English novel, or review their study and organisational approaches. Parents will receive an automatic email if a session is allocated for their child.

Update to Grades

To simplify the reporting system the ‘NP’ grade has been replaced with an ‘E’. The ‘E’ grade denotes assessment scores between 40 and 49%. Please see the table below for the grades that are used for assessments in Years 7 to 11. For Unit 3-4 VCE subjects, results are reported as a percentage. For ERPP and VCE VM subjects, results are reported using a proficiency scale (Initiating, Developing, Consolidating, Excelling).

Grade Bands for Year 7 to 11 Assessments


Percentage Band


93 -100%

An excellent level of performance.


85 - 92 %


80 - 84 %

A very good level of performance.


75 - 79 %


68 - 74 %

A satisfactory level of performance


60 - 67 %


55 - 59%

Limited level of performance: additional work required.


50 - 54 %


40 - 49 %

Insufficient level of performance: additional work required.



Unsatisfactory level of performance: the task must be redone.


Not Submitted

Task was not submitted.

Elevate Webinars

Each year, the College partners with Elevate Education to deliver study skills seminars to our students. Below is a list of free parent webinars that Elevate Education are running throughout Term 1. Click here to register. 

All webinars are 60 minutes in duration and commence at 6:30pm.

  • 26 February- How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time 
  • 12 March- How You Can Make Technology An Ally (& Not The Enemy!) 
  • 26 March- How You Can Help Improve Your Child’s Memory 

Maurice Petruccelli

Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning