It has been a wonderful start to the year for our students in the Edmund Rice Pathway Program (ERPP), VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM), Sport Academy, and Business Academy. Students have settled in well, embracing new challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm. Eddie’s Café has opened at the Preston Campus thanks to our Business Academy students, as well as other VCE VM and Sport Academy students jumping in to support and assist in making coffee and serving delicious morning and recess snacks. The café is open Wednesday and Thursday mornings before school and during recess and we are excited to see the growth of this exciting opportunity for our students. Thanks to Ms Ghaly for providing real world opportunities for our students to get involved in.
One of the key focuses for our students this year will be engaging with employers to gain valuable workplace experience. Our Year 10 students will have the opportunity to participate in work experience placements, while our Year 11 and 12 students will be involved in Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). These experiences will be invaluable in developing workplace skills, confidence, and career direction.
Looking ahead, the Term 1 Work Learning Program will take place from 24 March to 4 April for all ERPP and VCE VM students. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to immerse themselves in real-world work environments, apply their learning, and gain practical insights into their future careers. Parents have been sent information via PAM.
Sport Academy students have already started their one day of SWL and have reported that ‘the first day was long but was really fun and the primary kids have lots of energy’ (Evie Scott, Year 11 Sport Academy student completing a primary teaching placement).
Additionally, many of our students have shown great interest in School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) as a pathway to both work and further study. If you are currently in VCE VM and would like to learn more about SBATs or have any questions, we encourage you to visit the link below for more information or please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.
Ms Bult is available on Thursday mornings at the Preston Campus to discuss any pathway questions that students may have about any of the programs that the students are in. Students can book in via the ‘bookings’ tab on SIMON and we love hearing students engage with teachers about their future prospects.
We appreciate your ongoing support in helping our students make the most of these exciting learning opportunities.