Our Year 12 students commenced the school year with a conference day at La Trobe University on Thursday 30 January. VCE, VCE VM and Sport Academy students came together to listen to presentations, as well as spending time in course-specific presentations throughout the day. All students are to be commended on the spirit that they brought to the day in what was a positive start to the year.

La Trobe Uni Day
Year 12 students listening to speakers during at the Conference Day at La Trobe University

Absence from Assessment

In situations where students are absent from class for short or extended time periods, then they are encouraged to access the details of the lessons that were missed by accessing each subject’s ‘lesson plan’ on SIMON.

Year 10

Where a student in Year 10 is absent for an assessment as a result of an approved reason (e.g. illness, bereavement, medical reason etc.) students and their families should be in contact with their child’s teachers to negotiate a revised date to submit the task. Generally, this is upon return to school or may be up to seven days after a student’s return. The revised due date will appear on SIMON/PAM.

Where a student is absent due to an unapproved reason (e.g. holiday etc.) then they will receive an ‘NS – not submitted’. Parents will also be notified of the non-submission via a letter on PAM indicating the new date by which the student will need to submit the task.

An after school ‘Academic Redeemer’ session may be issued by your child’s House Leader in situations where they have not submitted a task even after being provided with a new resubmission date. Where this is the case, parents will receive communication from their child’s House Leader.

VCE Units 1 – 4

If a student is absent for a VCE assessment, it can only be rescheduled upon presentation of a medical certificate covering the time of the assessment. More details are located in the VCE Handbook available to all students and parents on SIMON/PAM.

In the event of any approved absence (e.g. illness, medical reason, bereavement etc.) families and students are encouraged to notify their subject teacher of the absence and negotiate a revised date to submit any outstanding tasks; the new submission dates will be reflected on SIMON/PAM and assessments may be rescheduled to after school on a Thursday.

For other situations or where there are extenuating circumstances, a student will seek advice from the teacher prior to the due date as how to best address any difficulties. If an assessment task is not submitted by the due date without a valid reason, an after school ‘Academic Redeemer’ session may be issued. Not submitting an assessment task will result in an ‘NS – Not submitted’ for that piece of work. Prior to the end of semester report, teachers will assess as to whether a student is likely to satisfactory pass the subject and will notify parents if this is not the case. Should it be necessary, other arrangements may be made for the student to meet the requirements.

James Fogarty

Dean of Learning- Years 10 to 12