Commencement Assembly

On Friday 14 February, we welcomed the high achieving students from our Class of 2024 to our first College Assembly for the year. We welcomed these Old Paradians and recognised their outstanding achievements in front of their families and the entire Parade College community. They are great role models for all of our students and highlight that hard work and success for students studying the VCE and VCE VM programs is certainly attainable and something to strive for.

Another highlight at our assembly was the announcement of the recipient of the Lewis Derrico Young Old Paradians Achievement Award. Lewis was a former student (College Captain in 1974) and also a past staff member. He was integral in the re-establishment of the Old Paradians’ Association (OPA) with Br Moore and served as President of the OPA from 2009 to 2021. Lewis was an outstanding and very proud Old Paradian inducted as a Tenete Award winner, the highest esteem the Association can bestow upon an old boy. Lewis passed away in December 2022.

The award was presented to James Gilliland, from the Class of 2007. It was presented by Lewis’ wife Anna. James completed a Bachelor of Architecture degree at RMIT and later completed a Masters Degree in Architecture. He currently works at ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architecture where he is now a highly respected senior architect and project leader in its multi residential team. His passion and abilities have led to him being recognised as an award winner in quality and innovation across the urban development industry and the Property Council of Australia innovation and excellence award. We congratulate James.

Open Day – Sunday 23 February

Our College Open Day was held on Sunday and was extremely successful. It was wonderful to see our staff and so many students onsite to showcase the College and the many opportunities available to prospective students and their families.

Current families were also onsite to support their children as they participated in several events and activities throughout the day. We also had our Parents of Parade onsite cooking the BBQ and chatting with families about how they can become further involved in college life.

A sincere thank you to everyone for assisting on the day and the hundreds of Parade College students who volunteered to support the day and chat to prospective families. Many visitors commented on the kind and friendly nature of our students and staff.

We can hopefully look forward to welcoming many of these new students and families into our community over the coming years.

Ash Wednesday

Our Ash Wednesday services at both campuses will be held next Wednesday 5 March. This will be the beginning of Lent. Traditionally the forty-day period to examine and renew our spiritual lives. It is a time of prayer, service, and fasting.

The forty days recall the forty years that the people of Israel wandered in the wilderness before arriving at the promised land and the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness after being baptized.

On Ash Wednesday, we receive ashes that remind us of our nature as created beings. This practice echoes the Old Testament tradition of wearing ashes as a sign of repentance. As the ash cross is made on our foreheads, we hear words that echo John the Baptist’s call to conversion: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”.

Year 7 Camp Week

Our Year 7 students are participating in camps and the Treacy Trail excursions next week. The students have a great opportunity to make new friends and strengthen their relationships with their teachers and support staff.

Many scheduled activities expect the boys to communicate with each other, offer support and encouragement, and to also extend themselves beyond their comfort zones.

Celebrating International Women’s Day – Wednesday 8 March 2025

The College is part of the global community in celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day will be celebrated at the College and occurs on 8 March this year. #AccelerateAction

International Women's Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made toward gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done.

For more information, please visit the website:

We can all challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion. Collective activism is what drives change.

Tuesday 11 March – Student Free Day

Tuesday 11 March is the Staff Teaching and Learning Professional Development Day, and thus is a student free day.

Trivia Night – Wednesday 19 March

We are holding a Family Trivia Night on Wednesday 19 March. This is a great opportunity for students and their families to come along and share in a wonderful evening.

There will be lots of prizes on offer and House Points available. We would love to see lots of families attend. Look out for further details.

College Newsletter

This Newsletter is our major means of communication with families, so please ensure that you take the time to read it.

We produce the Newsletter once a month; and it is sent electronically.

Parents and carers are urged to ensure that we have their current preferred email addresses to receive the Newsletter. Please advise Reception immediately of any change of residential or email addresses and phone numbers.

The Newsletter is always available on the College website. Hard copies are available for collection at Reception at both campuses for anyone unable to access the Newsletter electronically.

Mark Aiello
