Hear from Scarlett, one of our first female students and her mum Shannon, on the Parade College coeducational Sport Academy Program at our Preston Campus.

Enrol now for Co-Ed VCE VM
Latrobe Crest

As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition, Parade College is excited to announce that from 2025, our dedicated VCE Vocational Major Campus at Preston, will become co-educational. Specifically, we’re introducing a Tertiary Pathways Program, which will include a new Business Academy and an expansion of our successful Sport Academy program. Upon completion, our students qualify for direct entry access into a number of Undergraduate courses at La Trobe University. This unique opportunity is only available through this program at Parade College.

For many years now, Parade College has educated female students as part of our Vocational Education and Training offerings. For the first time in our 150-year-plus history, female students can now enrol as full-time Parade College students in our Tertiary Pathways Program at our Preston Campus.

Parade has always been at the forefront of providing contemporary educational opportunities for young people. We have always been a diverse and welcoming school. The inclusion of full-time female students at our Preston Campus will further enrich our community.

Parade College Tertiary Pathways Program


What is this new initiative?

Our Preston Campus will become co-educational in 2025, paving the way for Parade College to accept full-time female enrolments in Years 11 and 12 within our expanded VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) Program. This means that for the 2025 academic year we will accept female enrolments for entry into Year 11 of the VCE VM program.

A new Tertiary Pathways Program* will be introduced at the Preston Campus for students enrolled in the VCE VM Program, providing additional pathways to higher education. As part of this exciting new initiative, our successful Sport Academy will be expanded, and a new Business Academy established. Both of these two-year programs will be offered at the Preston Campus.

Parade College students, both male and female, who enrol in the VCE VM into one of these programs, and upon successful completion, will gain direct entry access into a number of undergraduate courses at La Trobe University within their Health Sciences, Humanities and Business Schools. Students will study a tailored program including specific VET certificates, to ensure this direct pathway into La Trobe.

* Importantly, students in these programs will not complete VCE Examinations, and do not need an ATAR to enter La Trobe University.

Students can apply to one of the following pathways for 2025:

  1. Traditional VCE Vocational Major program
  2. Tertiary Pathways Program (a VCE VM program with a direct pathway to La Trobe University):
    a. Business Academy
    b. Sport Academy
What are the benefits of this initiative?

This initiative benefits young people who are seeking an alternative to the VCE ATAR pathway into further education or work. It offers increased scope and a broad range of courses and pathways.

Parade’s unique VCE VM Tertiary Pathways Program provides direct entry to La Trobe University, without the need for an ATAR, or the pressure of sitting VCE Examinations.

The initiative also provides parents and families of girls with increased choice. Our Bundoora Campus will remain an all-boys’ campus, and continue to meet the educational needs of our students.

What La Trobe University degrees can Sport Academy and Business Academy students gain entry into?

Upon successful completion of Year 12, students in the Sport Academy or Business Academy can gain direct access into a number of undergraduate courses within the Business, Humanities and Health Sciences schools at La Trobe University.

For further information please refer to the Tertiary Pathways Program booklet available on the College website.

What is the proportion of male to female students?

As we begin the new program in 2025, the VCE VM classes at Preston will be co-educational, and we are aiming for a balance of girls and boys.

What expertise do Parade staff have in educating girls?

Parade staff are experienced educators, and many teachers have previously taught in all girls and/or co-ed schools. In addition, for many years now, Parade College has welcomed female students from other secondary schools to access our many VET programs, with these students taught by Parade staff.

Preston staff will be selected based on their interest and passion for the VCE VM program, and will work in close collaboration with families to get to know the girls, build relationships, nurture student voice, and to provide a smooth transition into the Parade College community.

What is the enrolment process?

Entry to the VCE Vocational Major program, (including the Tertiary Pathways Program Academies) is through the regular enrolment process for students joining the College, which includes an online application and interview.

Where do I find more information?

More information please contact the Enrolment office on 9468 3300

Introducing our Tertiary Pathways Program at Preston Campus

Enrol now for Co-Ed VCE VM