Parade College prides itself on inclusiveness therefore we welcome students of all learning abilities, nationalities and faiths.
Limited places are available for Year 7 to Year 12.
If you are interested in the Parade College Manchester City Football School, you must first complete a Parade College Enrolment Application to be considered for this exciting program.
• Step 1: Book a tour, visit our campus, meet our students and staff. Explore our facilities and experience Parade College.
• Step 2: Complete the online Enrolment Application
• Step 3: Prospective students and their parents are invited to attend an Enrolment Meeting with one of our staff.
• Step 4: Successful applicants will be offered a place at the Parade College.
• Step 5: Families accept the offer to join Parade College.
• Friday 15 August 2025 - Year 7 2027 Applications close
• Friday 17 October 2025 - Proposed Offers and non-Offers are sent to families
• Friday 7 November 2025 - Final date for parents/carers to accept Offer
Attend a compulsory enrolment interview with the future student when they are in Year 5. An invitation to attend this meeting will be communicated to all families who have submitted an application for enrolment together with all documentation and a $100 application fee.
To accept an offer for placement, a non-refundable Family Enrolment Contribution (FEC) of $500.00 is payable at the time of acceptance. This Family Enrolment Contribution of $500.00 is paid only once by each family, therefore if you have already made this payment for an older sibling, it is not required again with this new enrolment.
In making decisions and assessing suitable candidates for enrolment, the College will take into account the following set criteria:
Alphington/Thornbury East Parish | Fawkner North Parish | Montmorency Parish |
Brunswick North Parish | Fitzroy Parish | Moreland Parish |
Brunswick West Parish | Fitzroy North Parish | Northcote Parish |
Brunswick/Brunswick East Parish | Greensborough Parish | Pascoe Vale Parish |
Bundoora Parish | Greensborough North Parish | Preston Parish |
Clifton Hill/Collingwood Parish | Hadfield Parish | Preston East Parish |
Coburg Parish | Heidelberg West Parish | Preston West Parish |
Coburg East Parish | Kingsbury Parish | Reservoir Parish |
Diamond Creek Parish | Lalor Parish | Reservoir East Parish |
Eltham Parish | Macleod Parish | Reservoir North Parish |
Epping Parish | Doreen/Mernda/Whittlesea Parish | Thomastown West Parish |
Fawkner Parish | Mill Park Parish | Thornbury Parish |
Application for Enrolment Years 8-12, may be made at any time to be WAITLISTED.
Applications MUST accompany a non-refundable administration fee of $100.00. Parents may lodge a Parade Enrolment Application Form accompanying all applicable documentation, and payment authority to the College Enrolment Officer.
We would like to enrol all families who seek a place at Parade College however this is simply not possible. To prevent disappointment, please understand that waitlisted applicants can only be considered for placement when openings eventuate: this may be as a result of a change to a family situation or upon a senior student revising their study program.
The College would like to enrol all families who seek a place at Parade College however this is often not possible and all final decisions in relation to enrolments, rest solely with the Principal.
As this waitlist is frequently reviewed, in preparation, applicants may then be invited for an interview. Upon an opening being identified, candidates are then progressed to the Principal for consideration.
All final decisions relating to enrolment placements, rests solely with the Principal.
Applications for Year 7 2027 students close on August 15 2025
Applications for other Year levels are also welcome
• Friday 15 August 2025 - Year 7 2027 Applications close
• Friday 17 October 2025 - Proposed Offers and non-Offers are sent to families
• Friday 7 November 2025 - Final date for parents/carers to accept Offer