As a long standing Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, Parade College will be a dynamic learning community offering best practice education and pastoral care to its members to nurture fullness of life and holistic growth for all.

Parade College Mission


Parade College recognises that literacy is foundational to all learning. Literacy empowers students to communicate effectively, succeed academically, and engage successfully in society. Literacy teaching at Parade reflects the EREA Touchstones as we strive to provide all students with an Inclusive, Liberating Education, in the light of Gospel Spirituality, and Justice and Solidarity.

The College is committed to a whole school approach to literacy, and to enacting differentiated literacy learning for our diverse student cohort. Each learning area has specific disciplinary literacy demands encompassing the five modes: speaking, listening, reading, viewing, and writing. Each mode is taught and assessed explicitly by all teachers. Staff at Parade College share a common language for literacy learning across subjects, and apply a systematic and consistent approach to supportive literacy instruction.

We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

Edmund Rice Education Australia, Charter Touchstone: Liberating Education