On Friday 14 February, we welcomed the high achieving students from our Class of 2024 to our first College Assembly for the year. We welcomed these Old Paradians and recognised their outstanding achievements in front of their families and the entire Parade College community. They are great role models for all of our students and highlight that hard work and success for students studying the VCE and VCE VM programs is certainly attainable and something to strive for.
Another highlight at our assembly was the announcement of the recipient of the Lewis Derrico Young Old Paradians Achievement Award. Lewis was a former student (College Captain in 1974) and also a past staff member. He was integral in the re-establishment of the Old Paradians’ Association (OPA) with Br Moore and served as President of the OPA from 2009 to 2021. Lewis was an outstanding and very proud Old Paradian inducted as a Tenete Award winner, the highest esteem the Association can bestow upon an old boy. Lewis passed away in December 2022.
The award was presented to James Gilliland, from the Class of 2007. It was presented by Lewis’ wife Anna. James completed a Bachelor of Architecture degree at RMIT and later completed a Masters Degree in Architecture. He currently works at ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architecture where he is now a highly respected senior architect and project leader in its multi residential team. His passion and abilities have led to him being recognised as an award winner in quality and innovation across the urban development industry and the Property Council of Australia innovation and excellence award. We congratulate James.
Our College Open Day was held on Sunday and was extremely successful. It was wonderful to see our staff and so many students onsite to showcase the College and the many opportunities available to prospective students and their families.
Current families were also onsite to support their children as they participated in several events and activities throughout the day. We also had our Parents of Parade onsite cooking the BBQ and chatting with families about how they can become further involved in college life.
A sincere thank you to everyone for assisting on the day and the hundreds of Parade College students who volunteered to support the day and chat to prospective families. Many visitors commented on the kind and friendly nature of our students and staff.
We can hopefully look forward to welcoming many of these new students and families into our community over the coming years.
Our Ash Wednesday services at both campuses will be held next Wednesday 5 March. This will be the beginning of Lent. Traditionally the forty-day period to examine and renew our spiritual lives. It is a time of prayer, service, and fasting.
The forty days recall the forty years that the people of Israel wandered in the wilderness before arriving at the promised land and the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness after being baptized.
On Ash Wednesday, we receive ashes that remind us of our nature as created beings. This practice echoes the Old Testament tradition of wearing ashes as a sign of repentance. As the ash cross is made on our foreheads, we hear words that echo John the Baptist’s call to conversion: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”.
Our Year 7 students are participating in camps and the Treacy Trail excursions next week. The students have a great opportunity to make new friends and strengthen their relationships with their teachers and support staff.
Many scheduled activities expect the boys to communicate with each other, offer support and encouragement, and to also extend themselves beyond their comfort zones.
The College is part of the global community in celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day will be celebrated at the College and occurs on 8 March this year. #AccelerateAction
International Women's Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made toward gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done.
For more information, please visit the website: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/
We can all challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion. Collective activism is what drives change.
Tuesday 11 March is the Staff Teaching and Learning Professional Development Day, and thus is a student free day.
We are holding a Family Trivia Night on Wednesday 19 March. This is a great opportunity for students and their families to come along and share in a wonderful evening.
There will be lots of prizes on offer and House Points available. We would love to see lots of families attend. Look out for further details.
This Newsletter is our major means of communication with families, so please ensure that you take the time to read it.
We produce the Newsletter once a month; and it is sent electronically.
Parents and carers are urged to ensure that we have their current preferred email addresses to receive the Newsletter. Please advise Reception immediately of any change of residential or email addresses and phone numbers.
The Newsletter is always available on the College website. Hard copies are available for collection at Reception at both campuses for anyone unable to access the Newsletter electronically.
During our latest College Assembly, we had the pleasure of recognising the achievements of the VCE and VCE Vocational Major Class of 2024. Celebrating the accomplishments of our students is an important part of inspiring our students to consistently pursue excellence.
The return to school after summer can sometimes pose challenges for students in terms of reacclimating to the learning environment and routines. As we settle into the academic year, it's natural for students to sometimes find subjects challenging or experience periods of reduced enthusiasm. Although not always apparent at the time, these moments often lead to growth in resilience and problem-solving. If your child expresses concern about their learning, we encourage them and their families to contact their teachers to bring this to their attention so that together we may discuss strategies to assist. While it is essential to offer support, it is equally valuable for students to first explore strategies on their own and with the guidance of their teachers. Small adjustments can often address challenges that arise, and it is important for our students and families to know that working through challenges is an important part of their learning. By working together, we can more successfully support and guide students with their learning and personal growth.
For families who are new to Parade, it is important to know that the Parent Access Module (PAM) and SIMON are tools that allow students and their parents or carers to receive feedback on student progress in each subject. PAM’s continuous reporting feature allows parents to view their child’s work submission status and the results of submitted tasks throughout the semester. Where families have questions regarding accessing PAM, please contact PAM support (pamsupport@parade.vic.edu.au).
Where a student does not submit work or needs to resubmit work that initially received a grade below a C, teachers will communicate the matter via a letter. This letter, accessible to parents on PAM, serves to notify them of these circumstances. Information about assessment tasks, including due dates, can be found under Learning Areas for each of your child’s subjects on PAM. These dates and tasks will be updated by subject teachers as the semester progresses. Letters created by teachers serve as the primary communication method to inform parents about tasks that were not submitted or need to be resubmitted. Teachers will continue, however, to communicate other concerns about your child via email or phone. We always welcome families to reach out to their child’s subject teacher to discuss how we can collaborate to support their progress.
For questions about curriculum and assessments, please contact the appropriate Dean:
Please be aware that Tuesday 11 March is a student free day with teaching and support staff involved in professional learning activities at the Bundoora Campus.
There will be two opportunities for Student Progress Interviews in Semester 1 on the following dates:
Further information on how bookings can be made on PAM will be communicated to families closer to the date.
As we continue to create a culture of high expectations, and in line with the College’s PEERS (Prepare, Engage, Elevate, Respect, Safe) agreement, a new initiative has been introduced to help students complete overdue homework. From this term, students in Years 8 to 12 may be issued a lunch time Study Support Session for non-completion of homework.
Subject teachers will monitor homework completion and may assign students to a Study Support Session when necessary. The student will be notified by their teacher about the session and which day they are required to attend. Students who complete the overdue homework before the session are still required to attend and may use the time to complete other homework, read their English novel, or review their study and organisational approaches. Parents will receive an automatic email if a session is allocated for their child.
To simplify the reporting system the ‘NP’ grade has been replaced with an ‘E’. The ‘E’ grade denotes assessment scores between 40 and 49%. Please see the table below for the grades that are used for assessments in Years 7 to 11. For Unit 3-4 VCE subjects, results are reported as a percentage. For ERPP and VCE VM subjects, results are reported using a proficiency scale (Initiating, Developing, Consolidating, Excelling).
Grade Bands for Year 7 to 11 Assessments
Grade |
Percentage Band |
A+ |
93 -100% |
An excellent level of performance. |
A |
85 - 92 % |
B+ |
80 - 84 % |
A very good level of performance. |
B |
75 - 79 % |
C+ |
68 - 74 % |
A satisfactory level of performance |
C |
60 - 67 % |
D+ |
55 - 59% |
Limited level of performance: additional work required. |
D |
50 - 54 % |
E |
40 - 49 % |
Insufficient level of performance: additional work required. |
UG |
40% |
Unsatisfactory level of performance: the task must be redone. |
NS |
Not Submitted |
Task was not submitted. |
Each year, the College partners with Elevate Education to deliver study skills seminars to our students. Below is a list of free parent webinars that Elevate Education are running throughout Term 1. Click here to register.
All webinars are 60 minutes in duration and commence at 6:30pm.
NAPLAN will be occurring in March. The test schedule is below:
Year 7 and Year 9 |
Wednesday 12 March |
Thursday 13 March |
Friday 14 March |
Monday 17 March |
Period 1 and 2 |
Writing |
Reading |
Conventions of Language |
Numeracy |
Catch up sessions for students who miss a test(s) due to absence will be available. Students who miss a NAPLAN test(s) should email Ms Nadia Bonvicino.
NAPLAN will be conducted on your child’s school laptop, and he will be required to use headphones in order to access and complete questions. All Year 7 and 9 students are required to bring their own headphones that are compatible with their school laptop. Wired headphones are preferable, but Bluetooth headphones will also work.
We are mindful that headphones were not on the booklist as students and their families may already possess headphones and that they may also be sourced from numerous retailers at a more affordable price.
For the tests, students need a specific browser application. Having completed the practice tests earlier this term, all students should have the required application. We seek your support in checking that the below icon is present on the desktop of your child’s laptop.
Students and parents can access further practice via the public demonstration website:
NAP - Public demonstration site
Students must fully charge their laptops each night at home, to ensure they can complete the tests. They should also bring their laptop chargers to school, in their laptop bags.
Note: Year 9 students that normally have a timetabled ExCEL class at the Preston Campus will need to attend the Bundoora Campus on Wednesday 12 March.
Parents and Guardians that wish to discuss their child’s participation in NAPLAN for 2025, or access to headphones, should contact myself or their child’s Learning Diversity Coordinator.
In situations where students are absent from class for short or extended time periods, then they are encouraged to access the details of the lessons that were missed by accessing each subject’s ‘lesson plan’ on SIMON.
Where a student in Year 7 to 9 is absent for an assessment as a result of an approved reason (e.g. illness, bereavement, medical reason etc.) students and their families should be in contact with their child’s teachers to negotiate a revised date to submit the task. Generally, this is upon return to school or may be up to seven days after a student’s return. The revised due date will appear on SIMON/PAM. Where a teacher is of the opinion that it is unreasonable for a student to sit an assessment due to approved absence, then the grade ‘X-Special Circumstance’ may be used.
Where a student is absent due to an unapproved reason (e.g. holiday etc.) then he will receive an ‘NS – not submitted’. Parents will also be notified of the non-submission via a letter on PAM indicating the new date by which the student will need to submit the task. For Years 7 to 9, the original grade of ‘NS’ remains as the student grade even upon satisfactory submission.
An afterschool ‘Academic Redeemer’ session may be issued by your child’s House Leader in situations where they have not submitted a task even after being provided with a new resubmission date. Where this is the case, parents will receive communication from their child’s House Leader.
Student timetables are built around maximising student’s elective choices. At the end of the semester when students change their electives, students may have a change of teacher for some of their year-long subjects in Semester Two. As student programs become more elective-based, these changes become more necessary to accommodate elective selections.
As such, except for compelling cases, students in Years 7 to 9 are not able to make changes to their elective or core subjects. Finding a subject no longer enjoyable or discovering it to be more challenging than expected are not considered compelling reasons for making changes to elective subjects. In such situations, it is preferable that students and their families work with their child’s teachers to support them through their learning.
Microsoft ‘To Do’ is a program that students can use to assist with their organisation. ‘To Do’ will be the place where students record homework and tasks they need to complete. ‘To Do’ is a simple and intuitive program that resembles a traditional ‘to do’ list and any task entered will sync across all devices, provided that the student is logged into ‘To Do’ with their Parade account (e.g. mobile device when off campus). All students will have a Microsoft 'To Do' icon very similar to the one below on their laptops where they may access the program.
Students are responsible for entering information and dues dates into ‘To Do’ themselves. Year 7 students will be introduced to ‘To Do’ as part of their digital learning introductory lessons.
Our Year 12 students commenced the school year with a conference day at La Trobe University on Thursday 30 January. VCE, VCE VM and Sport Academy students came together to listen to presentations, as well as spending time in course-specific presentations throughout the day. All students are to be commended on the spirit that they brought to the day in what was a positive start to the year.
In situations where students are absent from class for short or extended time periods, then they are encouraged to access the details of the lessons that were missed by accessing each subject’s ‘lesson plan’ on SIMON.
Where a student in Year 10 is absent for an assessment as a result of an approved reason (e.g. illness, bereavement, medical reason etc.) students and their families should be in contact with their child’s teachers to negotiate a revised date to submit the task. Generally, this is upon return to school or may be up to seven days after a student’s return. The revised due date will appear on SIMON/PAM.
Where a student is absent due to an unapproved reason (e.g. holiday etc.) then they will receive an ‘NS – not submitted’. Parents will also be notified of the non-submission via a letter on PAM indicating the new date by which the student will need to submit the task.
An after school ‘Academic Redeemer’ session may be issued by your child’s House Leader in situations where they have not submitted a task even after being provided with a new resubmission date. Where this is the case, parents will receive communication from their child’s House Leader.
If a student is absent for a VCE assessment, it can only be rescheduled upon presentation of a medical certificate covering the time of the assessment. More details are located in the VCE Handbook available to all students and parents on SIMON/PAM.
In the event of any approved absence (e.g. illness, medical reason, bereavement etc.) families and students are encouraged to notify their subject teacher of the absence and negotiate a revised date to submit any outstanding tasks; the new submission dates will be reflected on SIMON/PAM and assessments may be rescheduled to after school on a Thursday.
For other situations or where there are extenuating circumstances, a student will seek advice from the teacher prior to the due date as how to best address any difficulties. If an assessment task is not submitted by the due date without a valid reason, an after school ‘Academic Redeemer’ session may be issued. Not submitting an assessment task will result in an ‘NS – Not submitted’ for that piece of work. Prior to the end of semester report, teachers will assess as to whether a student is likely to satisfactory pass the subject and will notify parents if this is not the case. Should it be necessary, other arrangements may be made for the student to meet the requirements.
It has been a wonderful start to the year for our students in the Edmund Rice Pathway Program (ERPP), VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM), Sport Academy, and Business Academy. Students have settled in well, embracing new challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm. Eddie’s Café has opened at the Preston Campus thanks to our Business Academy students, as well as other VCE VM and Sport Academy students jumping in to support and assist in making coffee and serving delicious morning and recess snacks. The café is open Wednesday and Thursday mornings before school and during recess and we are excited to see the growth of this exciting opportunity for our students. Thanks to Ms Ghaly for providing real world opportunities for our students to get involved in.
One of the key focuses for our students this year will be engaging with employers to gain valuable workplace experience. Our Year 10 students will have the opportunity to participate in work experience placements, while our Year 11 and 12 students will be involved in Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). These experiences will be invaluable in developing workplace skills, confidence, and career direction.
Looking ahead, the Term 1 Work Learning Program will take place from 24 March to 4 April for all ERPP and VCE VM students. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to immerse themselves in real-world work environments, apply their learning, and gain practical insights into their future careers. Parents have been sent information via PAM.
Sport Academy students have already started their one day of SWL and have reported that ‘the first day was long but was really fun and the primary kids have lots of energy’ (Evie Scott, Year 11 Sport Academy student completing a primary teaching placement).
Additionally, many of our students have shown great interest in School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) as a pathway to both work and further study. If you are currently in VCE VM and would like to learn more about SBATs or have any questions, we encourage you to visit the link below for more information or please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.
Ms Bult is available on Thursday mornings at the Preston Campus to discuss any pathway questions that students may have about any of the programs that the students are in. Students can book in via the ‘bookings’ tab on SIMON and we love hearing students engage with teachers about their future prospects.
We appreciate your ongoing support in helping our students make the most of these exciting learning opportunities.
Thank you to all our parents and carers that attended our interviews with Tutors at both campuses last Thursday. From feedback on the night and the next day we received very positive and warming comments. A special thank you to Beth Henry, our Parents of Parade (POP) President who addressed our Year 7 families of how they can also connect with our great college!
We ask all parents that have children using our Charter bus system to discuss the importance of safety on the college’s bus network. We’re finding our students require ongoing reminders regarding their appropriate language in public, ensuring to adhere to the Bus Code of Conduct, implementing safety measures by using seat belts when buses have them fitted and the importance of respectful conduct. The College is currently working with our transport providers for increased and improved communications when any of their vehicle’s morning/afternoon are behind schedule, this can then be communicated to College families promptly. We appreciate your support and understanding with this matter.
Please remind your child to cross with the lights across Plenty Road. Students have been dangerously running across Plenty Road and causing cars to break heavily. It’s critical all our students receive the same message at school and home to cross with the lights. Plenty Road is one of the busiest roads in Victoria, please have this safety talk with your child, a similar message will be published in the Student Bulletin.
It was lovely to see so many Year 7 parents at the Camp and Treacy Trail Information session on Thursday 13 February.
In the week beginning 3 March we have Year 7 camps and Treacy Trail for all Year 7 students. Communication around this has been sent to all families on PAM. The return date for consent, dietary and medical requirements was Monday 17 February. All Year 7 students will be going with their House Leaders so if families have any questions please contact your son's House Leader, Tutor Teacher or the Dean of Students (7 and 8) Chris Nairn who families had the opportunity to meet at the Information Evening.
Year 7 Camp and the Treacy Trail are two of the most important parts of a student's transition into the College. These key events assist students in forming lifelong connections with each other, developing shared experiences within the cohort, assisting in building relationships with their teachers and allowing them to explore the Parade story and the stories of the Brothers who founded the College. Please see last year's images of our 2024 Year 7 students enjoying camp experience.
All our Year 7 students met on Friday 21 February to discuss the camps behaviour and expectations. All students will be reminded that they are only to be in their assigned cabin. If for any reason students are found in cabin’s that are not assigned to them, they may be sent home (collected by Parent/Carer).
Our Year 7 students have had a busy start to the academic year, which will continue in Term 2. Students will be taking part in online safety workshops hosted by Evolve Education on May 14 and 15. Below is some of the content that will be covered by the presenters on the day:
In addition to this, the Year 7 cohort will also be taking part in ‘Resilience Building Workshops’ hosted by Toolbox Education on 10 June, this workshop will teach our students how manage their emotions and how to deal with conflict. There will also be four follow up lessons in their Religion lessons to reinforce the content and its learning.
For parents/carers, this coming 13 March there is a parents information webinar on online safety hosted by Your Choicez. This webinar provides parents and students the opportunity to open the conversations, set healthy boundaries and establish a same-page approach to the use of technology within the school and home.
Our students engaged in the baseline survey last week and will commence their regular check ins next week. This additional wellbeing support platform will allow all students at Parade College to self-reflect and engage with any additional supports required. Please view the link here for information regarding our student experience.
Resilience is important for a child’s mental health. It is their ability to bounce back from failure, challenges, adversity and stress. It’s not something that students have or don’t have but a skill that can be developed over time as they grow. For more information, please click on the link for additional information - Resilience | Parade College - Bundoora
Years 8, 9 and 10 students have a range of exciting and informative presentations and activities coming over Term 1. Year 8 and 9 students will participate in the Proactive Policing session on Friday 28 February. Year 9 students will receive a presentation from the Pat Cronin Foundation on Wednesday 12 March. The Pat Cronin Foundation focuses on educating students about why resorting to violence is not the answer, and how to effectively handle conflict and their emotions. We hope the students find this presentation extremely valuable as they move into the next stage of their development. Further, select Year 9 students will have the chance to participate in Youth Leadership Academy Australia's Youth Leadership Forum, more details will be provided in the coming weeks.
Year 10 will participate in a workshop called ‘Ctrl your Scroll’ during Term 1 to further develop their cyber safety and online awareness. Students are also taking the next step into their leadership journey and select students will participate in a school network leadership community across a number of sessions this year. We look forward to continuing with them on their leadership development journey.
This year is a pivotal year in the Year 10 journey, with pathways becoming clearer and choice for VCE and beyond at the forefront of their minds. We will continue to support our Year 10’s with the next phase of their lives by equipping them with the resources and skills to ask questions, approach the year with curiosity and move forward towards the next stage of their educational and personal journey.
Our Year 11 students have the opportunity to attend the award-winning RYDA Road Safety Education workshop later this term, on Thursday 20 March at Bundoora Campus. RYDA is designed for 16 to 17 year olds as they begin to drive or ride in cars driven by their peers.
To complement the RYDA student workshop, this year we will be offering parents and guardians the opportunity to engage in a short Drive Coach workshop, to be held on Tuesday 1 April at 6.00pm at Bundoora Campus. Drive Coach is a practical workshop which updates parents on the latest research and road safety approaches.
Additional information regarding the student workshop and parent session has recently been sent to Year 11 families. The RYDA website also have more detailed information on the RYDA Program, as well as a number of resources and articles designed to support parents and guardians.
As we move into the heart of the academic year, I wanted to take a moment to share with you how well our students have started their journey this year. Their enthusiasm for learning and dedication to their studies have been evident from the first day, and it is heartening to witness their growth both academically and socially. Their hard work and commitment set a positive tone for the year ahead, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts thus far.
Alongside their academic progress, it is important to highlight the role that technology plays in our students' lives today. With the increase in digital communication and social media use, we believe that fostering a safe online environment is as important as guiding our students academically.
As parents/carers, it is crucial to remain aware of your child’s online activity. Social media platforms can provide great opportunities for connection, but they can also present risks. We strongly encourage you to engage in open conversations with your son about the potential dangers and how to navigate the online world safely. Discuss the importance of privacy settings, responsible behaviour online, and the potential impact that their digital footprint can have on their future.
Additionally, we recommend that you regularly check your child’s phone or other digital devices to ensure they are being used in a healthy, responsible manner. Regular checks can help establish clear boundaries and foster better communication between you and your son about their online presence.
For further guidance, we encourage you to explore the resources available on the following websites:
These resources offer valuable insights and tips to help you protect your son while ensuring they can make the most of the opportunities the digital world provides. We are committed to supporting your child both inside and outside the classroom, and we are always here to assist you with any concerns you may have.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us provide a safe and productive learning environment for our students. We look forward to a successful remainder of the academic year.
A big thank you to all families for your assistance in preparing your child for their College photos.
Arthur Reed Photography uses an electronic system where all ordering is done online and features a preview your child’s images. To view/purchase your images online, you will need to register your details using the unique ordering code which was distributed to families via email before the photo days. Please note, that if you have multiple children at the College, each one has unique code. If you are unable to locate your ordering code in your emails, please contact the Development Office via email development@parade.vic.edu.au.
When all images/photography are complete and in the Arthur Reed 'Webshop', those parents who have registered online will be notified via SMS and email that their images are ready to view and order. All orders through Arthur Reed Photos are mailed home directly to families.
Arthur Reed Photography also has a Customer Service Team in place who will be able to assist you with any queries. Customer Service can be contacted via email or phone customerservice@arphotos.com.au / 5243 4390 (option 1)
Our Family Tours are a fantastic opportunity for prospective families to meet members of our College Leadership Team and to see our Bundoora Campus in action. Tours run from 9.15am to 11.00am. Bookings can be made online Book a Family Tour - Parade College.
Term 1 dates are as follows:
Prospective families of current Year 4 to 6 students are invited to come along to our Year 7 Information Evening to be held on Wednesday 21 May from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
Registrations are now open Year 7 Information Evening.
Year 7 applications for 2027 and beyond are now being accepted. If you have a younger son in Grade 5 and wish to enrol for Year 7 2027, please note that applications close on 15 August 2025. Applications for other year levels are also welcome.
For further information and to submit an application, please visit Enrolment Process - Parade College.
A huge thank you to all Parade students who assisted at our annual Open Day on Sunday. The students are to be commended on the amazing way they represented the College when interacting with prospective families at the event, thank you for your support.
If your child is Gifted or Twice Exceptional (2e), then you may have heard of the Victorian Associated for Gifted and Talented Children (VAGTC). This not-for-profit organisation is committed to advocating and supporting the development of gifted potential in children across Victoria. Across the course of the year, the VAGTC host 3 to 4 free parent seminars aimed to have parents and families come together and learn from others about what is best practice for our Gifted and 2e children. The first two seminars will be held in March. For further details and to book your ticket, please follow this link to the VAGTC website: Seminars & Events - Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children.
Finally, if you are a prospective family joining us in 2026, please be aware that applications for the Year 7 Altior Program open in early April. Further information regarding the Altior Program and how to apply, will be communicated to you over the coming months. In the interim, if you have any questions regarding the Altior Program please send your inquiries to altior@parade.vic.edu.au.
With great sadness, we share the news of the passing of Terry Knape, an Old Paradian and a cherished member of the athletics community. Terry was a life member of both Eltham Lightning Little Athletics Club and Diamond Valley Athletics Club.
Terry was a dedicated supporter and coach of our athletics program, working with Parade College students for over 15 years to prepare for our athletics carnivals. His vast experience, passion, and commitment to nurturing student athletes — particularly in high jump, long jump, and triple jump — have been instrumental in our recent championship successes.
Terry’s impact on our community and the development of our athletes is immeasurable, and he will be deeply missed. As we compete this Thursday, we do so with gratitude for his contributions, knowing he will be watching over our students with great pride and interest.
Trials for AFL and Soccer will run during Term 1 as part of Year 7 sport and the High Performance programs:
Important Information:
For Year 8 to 10 Students not in the High Performance Program:
Expressions of Interest
Students interested in joining the swimming team should email Mr Gerard Large.
Whole Squad Training: Sessions will take place on the following dates. Students will leave at lunchtime and return by 3.15 pm:
Please reach out to Mr. Large with any questions or to register your interest. gerard.large@parade.vic.edu.au
On Tuesday, students from our Year 7 Basketball Development Program had the exciting opportunity to visit Hoop City Melbourne for a unique basketball experience with our NBL partners Melbourne United.
The day began with students watching a scrimmage match featuring Melbourne United’s senior players as they prepared for their upcoming NBL finals series.
Following the match, students rotated through three engaging sessions:
It was an unforgettable experience for all, providing students with valuable insights, skill development, and a firsthand look at elite-level basketball preparation.
Congratulations to Jai Fa’ale on his acceptance into the NBA Global Academy and his scholarship to Basketball Australia’s Centre of Excellence.
To highlight the significance of this achievement, Jai now follows in the footsteps of past and current NBA players that went through this program such as:
We thank Jai for his incredible contributions to Parade College and wish him every success as he pursues his dream of playing professional basketball.
"Jai is an exceptional basketball talent with limitless potential. At 6'5", he has true point guard skills — a reliable outside shot, effortless rim attacks, and elite defensive ability. His length, athleticism, and high basketball IQ make him a standout player who consistently elevates his teammates. Jai’s dedication to improvement is unmatched, regularly training before and after school, and his commitment to Parade’s basketball program is a testament to his character and drive."
Our school is proud to celebrate the incredible achievements of Ashley Fernando, who has been selected in the SSV Team Vic 15YUB Cricket team for 2025.
A prodigious talent, he is not only a powerful and consistent batter but also a skilful leg-spin bowler, capable of turning the game in an instant. With a keen cricketing mind Ashley has been a standout performer in school and representative matches, most recently for Greenvale Cricket Club in the Dowling Shield competition, impressing coaches and teammates alike.
This marks Ashley’s third state-level selection, having represented Victoria U12 (2022) and U15 (2024) as a bottom-age player. Keep an eye on this rising star as there is no doubt, he has a bright future ahead in the sport!
In December, Parade hosted the first ever Manchester City Football School Cup. It was attended by the other Football schools around Australia; St. Laurence’s in Brisbane, Rostrevor in Adelaide, Waverley and St. Dominics from Sydney, as well as British School Jakarta from Indonesia.
Almost 200 students from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in more than 60 matches over the weekend. All the games were played at Parade, with visiting students and staff staying at Halls of Residence at La Trobe University. The event was a huge success and is planned to take place every year in a different location, with Brisbane expected to host the next one.
Manchester City Football School Cup
We have hit the ground running in the Music and Performing Arts Departments this term with a number of events already taking place. We began the term with a Music Recruitment Evening where families of the College could join us to learn more about the Instrumental Music Program at Parade. The Big Band performed and Mr Andrew Saragossi conducted a live workshop for our guests, showcasing the various sections of the band. Many thanks to all students and staff who joined us to make it a successful evening.
The VCE Music Performance class performed along with the Concert Band at our Term 1 College Assembly. The VCE class was joined by Year 11 Christian Dang L04 and our new vocal teacher, Mr Tristan Davis, singing a fun rendition of ‘Valerie’ by Amy Winehouse. During the Assembly we also announced our Music Captain, Kit Adlard B03, and Vice Music Captain and Big Band leader, Alex Pozzebon H07, along with our Concert Band leader, Oscar Trinh.
The VCE Music Class and the Rock Band also performed as part of the College Open Day. Our students performed both ensemble works and solo items to visiting students and families. A special thanks to all music staff for preparing these performances and assisting on the day.
The Music Department is excited to welcome our new Vocal Teacher, Mr Tristan Davies, to the Parade Instrumental Music Staff. Mr Davies also teaches at Music Valley, is currently completing his Masters of Teaching (Secondary Music), and has extensive music performance experience. As an accomplished pianist, he will also take on the role of Vocal Director in our upcoming production of The Wedding Singer.
Instrumental Music enrolments for Semester One have now closed. Thank you to all families who have enrolled their child in lessons. Students who enrol in lessons from hereon in will now be placed on the Semester 2 enrolment list and contacted soon. If you do not have lessons at school but play an instrument and would like to join a College band, please email us at music@parade.vic.edu.au; we would love to have you join our Department.
We are pleased to announce that guitar and bass guitar lessons are now offered at our Preston Campus. These instrumental lessons will be conducted by our guitar teacher, Mr Jim Tsiambazis, during school time. Any interested students can email music@parade.vic.edu.au for more information.
This coming week we also conduct our Music Scholarship Auditions for 2025. Students who are auditioning for Instrumental Music Scholarships have been contacted and the results will be released in the coming weeks. We thank you for your support throughout this process and are impressed by the number of applicants and standard of applications received this year.
The most hotly contested music event for the year - Battle of the Bands – is coming up on the evening of Thursday 27 March. Students can find information on how to enter on SIMON and via posters placed around the campus. With up to $500 in prizes on offer, this year promises to be one of the most exciting events on our calendar!
Rehearsals are now in full swing for the upcoming production of The Wedding Singer with Santa Maria College. A huge thank you to all staff and students involved in rehearsals – it is inspiring to see everyone’s dedication and hard work. Any students who are interested in participating as crew should keep an eye on the student bulletin in the coming weeks on how to apply. Tickets for the show will become available in Term 2.
As the term progresses, we wish our students and families all the best for the upcoming weeks. As always please do not hesitate to contact the music department via music@parade.vic.edu.au with any questions.
The Year 10 students from Bundoora Campus will have the exciting opportunity to participate in Work Experience from 17 November-20 November 2025.
During this week, students will have the chance to step into the workforce, applying their skills and gaining hands-on experience in areas they are passionate about. Work Experience is not only about developing professional skills, but it also helps students explore career paths, build their network, and develop a greater understanding of the expectations of different job roles.
Students are encouraged to seek placements aligned with their interests and career aspirations.
Students should begin preparing for their Work Experience week as soon as possible. Students will be available to have conversations with their Careers teacher in class and can make an appointment with Mrs Bult or Ms Barnes if required.
The Work Experience forms will be available for students and families later this week.
All Year 10 students at Bundoora will take part in Mock Interviews on Thursday 3 April. Students are preparing for the interviews in their Careers classes and will be required to prepare a resume and cover letter to present to their Interviewer on the day.
We would like to invite volunteers from our school community and local businesses to assist by becoming interviewers.
These mock interviews provide our students with invaluable experience and insight into the world of work. As an interviewer, you will be helping to assess their communication skills, professionalism, and ability to present themselves in a real-world job interview setting. Your feedback will have a lasting impact on their future success!
Date: Thursday 3 April
Time: 8.45am and 11.00am
Location: Parade College – meet at Front Reception
If you are interested in volunteering as an interviewer, please email Liz Bult ebult@parade.vic.edu.au or Justine Barnes jbarnes@parade.vic.edu.au
Your support will make a significant difference in the lives of our students, and we appreciate your time and commitment.
Thank you for considering this opportunity and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
All Year 12 students are required to meet with a Careers Counsellor to discuss pathway options on completion of VCE and or VCE VM.
Students can make an appointment on SIMON under My Tools- Careers appointments – Book an Appointment
We look forward to meeting with Year 12 students to discuss university courses, TAFE courses, apprenticeships, traineeships, work, and travel.
We're thrilled to kick off an exciting year ahead with a lineup of events that promise fun, community spirit, and plenty of opportunities to connect. This year, we would like to grow our committee and welcome anyone interested to join us as an active member or volunteer at our events.
Last Sunday we came together to help with the School Open Day for 2025. It was great to see new potential families through the school whilst we all caught up as a group for 2025.
Stay tuned for more details and more events: We'll provide specific information about each event as we get closer to the dates, so keep an eye on the newsletter and your inbox! Let's make 2025 a year to remember!
We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback for POP, please email us at pop@parade.vic.edu.au.
The interviews with Vasey House residents started last week. Students spent some time documenting the early life of their residents.
The collaboration between students and residents is both heartwarming and insightful. As the students ask questions and listen to personal stories, they gain a deeper understanding of the rich histories that shape their community.
The residents enjoyed spending time with the students and reminiscing with interesting stories. Due to the demand from Vasey residents wanting to be involved, 8 new Year 10 students volunteered for the project.
In the coming weeks, the students will continue conducting interviews, gathering details about life in different eras, personal experiences, and the values that have influenced their residents’ journeys. As the project progresses, the students are excited to present their findings in a creative format at the end of the term.
It has been pleasing to see the good number of Year 10 students who have been proactive in gaining their expected 10 hours of volunteering as part of the Service Learning program.
Some students have been dedicating their time and efforts to a wide variety of causes, from helping at their local sporting club or volunteering at local community organisations, as well to signing up for college programs such as Eddie’s Brekky Van. Their commitment not only fulfils the requirements of the program but also demonstrates the strong sense of social responsibility that these students are developing. It is inspiring to see how they are using their skills and energy to make a positive impact in the Parade and the wider community.
Year 10 students are asked to read the Daily Bulletin for volunteering opportunities. Eddie’s Brekky Van and the Himilo Homework Club are good examples of college initiatives that will help them earn their hours.
This week we commenced volunteering at the Himilo Homework Club. Himilo is a community-led project that exists to improve education, employment, health, and social cohesion outcomes for the Australian-Somali community of West Heidelberg. The Homework Club allows our students to tutor primary aged students with basic English and Math.
We take students on Monday afternoons leaving the College at 3.30pm and returning to the College at 5.30pm. All Year 9 to 12 students are invited to participate and can sign up at the Community Action Centre.
Army STEM Engagement Program
Parade College had the opportunity to welcome the Australian Defence Force on Friday 21 and Monday 23 February to conduct the STEM Engagement Program. A number of Year 9 and 10 classes, and the Year 10 Preston students, participated in the program.
The Army STEM engagement program is designed for young people in Years 8 to 11 interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.
The program provides students with a virtual reality helicopter simulator experience and information about the exciting opportunities of a world-class career in the ADF for a diverse range of roles including communications, cyber, pilots, engineers, aviation ground crew, trades, and drone (UAS) operators.
The 2025 year has got off to a good start for the OPA. We have prepared a calendar of activities and events. We will again promote our reunion programs with scheduled gatherings 1975, 1985, 1995. 2005 and 2015 throughout the year. The OPA RACV monthly lunches, now in their 89th year, will again occur on the second Wednesday of each month. Our February lunch was a great success with guest speaker Brian Walsh (1983), Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs, Government and Communications at the AFL. Next month we welcome Daniel Hoyne (2006), Competition Analysis Team Lead at Champion Data as our guest speaker at our OPA RACV Lunch.
We concluded our Parade College Community Bike Ride at the College Open Day. It was a great success, and all riders enjoyed the significant College landmarks along the way. A light lunch and well-earned cold drinks were provided at the conclusion of the ride in the Wright Room, Ambrose Treacy Pavillion. Special thanks to the support of the Bof family and Giramondo Sportswear for their support of the event.
We were proud to bring back to the College at our ‘Commencement Assembly’ James Gilliland (2007) to accept the ‘Lewis Derrico OPA Young Achiever Award’ for 2025. James’s story is one of real determination and resilience to now forging a career as a highly respected senior architect and project leader in its multi residential team. We hope that his story can serve as an inspiration to our current students.
The Association will continue acknowledge our Old Paradians through our ‘Awards Program’. This will happen throughout the year, culminating in our Annual Hall of Fame Dinner in October.
There may be Old Paradians who have reconnected to the College as now parents. We encourage you to ‘CONNECT’ to the Old Paradians Association at https://www.oldparadians.com.au/connect
We also encourage the Parade College community to subscribe to our Business Directory. It is a great way of marketing your business to a very wide audience. The Directory has significant reach.
Date | Event |
Monday 3 March |
Tuesday 4 March |
Wednesday 5 March |
Thursday 6 March |
Friday 7 March |
Saturday 8 March |
Monday 10 March |
Tuesday 11 March |
Wednesday 12 March |
Thursday 13 March |
Friday 14 March |
Monday 17 March |
Tuesday 18 March |
Wednesday 19 March |
Thursday 20 March |
Monday 24 March |
Wednesday 26 March |
Thursday 27 March |
Friday 28 March |