Parade College's Bundoora campus is blessed with spacious grounds and modern facilities which allow us to offer students a well-rounded education in attractive and well-cared for full landscaped surroundings.

Parade College’s Bundoora Campus is an all-boys setting with enrolments in Years 7 to 10 and at VCE in Years 11 and 12. We will continue to meet the diverse needs of all our students and understand the importance of young people feeling connected to their school. 

Our theatre, auditorium, Learning Centre, and ovals all bear the names of people who helped create Parade as it is today – fitting reminders of both our heritage and history.


The foresight of the Old Paradians and the Provincial Council, means we enjoy the luxury of extensive grounds at Bundoora. There are four dedicated sporting ovals named after former Principals and our Bunjil Park synthetic sports grounds provides a full sized soccer pitch, four lane running track, long jump pit and six tennis courts..

There are several open spaces such as the Upper and Lower Quadrangle and Edmund Rice Plaza which, when combined with the sporting grounds and courts, make Parade the envy of many other schools.

Moore Hall

Dr Denis J Moore Hall, named after Dr. Denis Moore, Parade's longest serving principal, houses two large multipurpose spaces. The facility is used for full school and House assemblies, sporting activities and physical education classes. The main hall is the size of three basketball courts and can comfortably seat 2000 in one sitting.


The Nash Learning Centre, NLC, is named after Br. J. S. Nash. The NLC offers Parade students across all year levels, the opportunity to learn within a number of innovative learning environments. These flexible, dynamic, technology-rich spaces create situations where deep learning can occur in an engaging, inclusive and academic atmosphere. The NLC encourages community-wide engagement in STEM, English and the Arts, Languages and Trade skills. The innovative learning environment of the NLC has been designed to evolve, adapt and respond to a student-centred model of education. The NLC is open from 7:45am each morning and Homework Club runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school until 4.30 pm and is open to all.


The Rivergum Theatre is the scene of many drama and musical productions, primary school concerts, staff gatherings and liturgies and information sessions with parents. With a 300 seat capacity and Meyer sound system, the Rivergum Theatre is a truly state of the art performance space. The lighting system can accommodate more than 50 different lighting configurations and the two spacious dressing rooms are equipped with full bathrooms, professional make-up mirrors and LCD monitors to show what is happening on stage.


The Yarangabee Hospitality Centre features two hospitality kitchens which allows the College to offer food technology studies to students from Year 7 – 12. The newer kitchen is built to full commercial standards and includes an outdoor courtyard with seating and herb planters.


The trade centre offers Year 11 and 12 VCE VM/VET students training in building construction, electro technology, furnishings and bricklaying, as well as introducing our Year 10 Pathways students to the skills associated with building and construction. It is also used by year 9 Try-A-Trade elective students. As Parade is part of the Northern Melbourne VET cluster, the centre is used by students from other schools in the area who are learning the same skills.

Recently, the College was awarded Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status, which allows us to provide training to students in the areas of bricklaying, carpentry, sport & recreation and technical production.

NASH Learning Centre


Edmund Rice Trade Training Centre

Peter Bedford Centre


The Peter Bedford Centre houses the College’s gym and is open for staff and student use alike. The centre is fully supervised during use and sports staff are happy to write up specific training programs for interested gym users.

The centre consists of a central gymnasium fitted out with the latest resistance and cardio training equipment and two dedicated classrooms.


Alphington Court is an undercover playground area in the Waterford Complex which can be set up for indoor soccer, volleyball, badminton and tennis. It’s also the venue for College year level and/or house assemblies, parent-teacher nights and subject selection briefings. The name 'Alphington Court' commemorates the old Parade Preparatory school which operated between 1953 and 1988.


The Amphitheatre is the principle feature of Nolan Court and is named after one of the founding Brothers of the College, Br. B. J. Nolan, who was a versatile tradesman. The court named after him is also versatile as it used as playground space, for classroom drama, as a venue for short assemblies and for Tutor Group liturgies.


The Greening Auditorium is an indoor sports venue which recently underwent extensive refurbishment. The Auditorium is used extensively after hours by a variety of groups. It is named in honour of Br. W. B. Greening, the first Principal of Parade on the Bundoora site.


The College has two canteens. The one located just off ERC Plaza is for Year 10-12 students. The other canteen is part of the Yarrangabee Hospitality centre and is used by Year 7-9 students. The centre also features two kitchen used by our hospitality students and a space which can accommodate a variety of functions.