The Arts |
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Performing Arts | Visual Arts | ||
Music Performance | 8aMP | Art & Visual Communication | 8aAV |
Drama | 8aDR | Media | 8aME |
English |
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English (Semester 1) | 8eEN1 | English (Semester 2) | 8eEN2 |
Altior English (Semester 1) | 8eAL1 | Altior English (Semester 2) | 8eAL2 |
Intervention English (Semester 1) | 8eES1 | Intervention English (Semester 2) | 8eES2 |
Health & Physical Education |
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Physical Education (Semester 1) | 8pPO | Physical Education (Semester 2) | 8pPT |
High Performance ACC Sport (Semester 1) | 8pHO1 | High Performance ACC Sport (Semester 2) | 8pHT2 |
Humanities |
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Humanities1 | Humanities2 | ||
History | 8hHU1 | Geography & Economics | 8hHU2 |
Altior Humanities (Semester 1) | 8hAL1 | Altior Humanities (Semester 2) | 8hAL2 |
Languages |
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French (Semester 1) | 8LFR1 | French (Semester 2) | 8LFR2 |
Italian (Semester 1) | 8LIT1 | Italian (Semester 2) | 8LIT2 |
Japanese (Semester 1) | 8LJA1 | Japanese (Semester 2) | 8LJA2 |
Mathematics |
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Mathematics (Semester 1) | 8mMA1 | Mathematics (Semester 1) | 8mMA2 |
Altior Mathematics (Semester 1) | 8mAL1 | Altior Mathematics (Semester 2) | 8mAL2 |
Foundation Mathematics (Semester 1) | 8mMS1 | Foundation Mathematics (Semester 2) | 8mMS2 |
Religious Education |
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Religious Education (Semester 1) | 8rRE1 | Religious Education (Semester 2) | 8rRE2 |
Science |
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Science (Semester 1) | 8sSC1 | Science (Semester 2) | 8sSC2 |
Altior Science (Semester 1) | 8sAL1 | Altior Science (Semester 2) | 8sAL2 |
Technology* |
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Materials Design & Production | 8tMD | Electronics | 8tEL |
Make IT Happen! | 8iIT | Game Development | 8iGD |
*NB. All offerings in Technology are subject to the availability of specialist teaching staff.
Units in the Visual and Performing Arts are assessed using a range of methods including the following:
Click here for the Drama Pathways Diagram
In this unit, students create and make Comedy and Tragedy based performances gaining a firm understanding of the genre and style. Students experiment with Comedy, particularly in the styles of Slapstick and Commedia Dell’arte. In comparison to this, students will also experiment with Melodrama and Naturalism. Students perform both improvised and scripted work and analyse naturalistic and non-naturalistic forms of Drama. Improvisation processes ignite spontaneity, develop lateral thinking and encourage team work. In this course we explicitly teach the skills necessary for fast thinking and good improvisation, from making both physical and verbal offers through to verbal and non-verbal cues. Students develop and hone skills in a range of areas and present their work largely through class workshops. They move towards developing and being creative with their own characters as well as appreciating what past theatrical styles of Comedy and Tragedy have brought to our understanding of Drama and Theatre.
Click here for the Music Pathways Diagram
This course builds on the fundamental concepts of instrumental performance and ensemble skills. On a chosen band class instrument, students consolidate technical facility, tone production and conventions in reading notation in solo and group environments. Students are encouraged to undertake tuition in the College Instrumental Music Program and have the option to enrol in the Instrumental Music Band Class Program to further develop their instrumental development. Musical comprehension is developed in the areas of notation, time signatures, scale patterns, key signatures and basic harmony. Students develop music analysis skills to complement and deepen their understanding and complete a folio of listening responses and short compositions and improvisations.
Click here for the Visual Arts Pathways Diagram
Art is a means of expression and communication in all societies. In this unit students develop skills in a wide range of art areas including painting, drawing, printing, digital image production and manipulation, and sculpture. They create and adapt images from a variety of sources to generate and express ideas. They learn to be inventive and imaginative and are encouraged to explore a range of media and materials. Students examine visual arts techniques and processes in the development of visual arts knowledge and skills. Visual communication is the conveying of visual information and ideas using design, free hand drawing, technical drawings and digital design in relation to fulfilling a design brief. Students participate in activities that develop practical knowledge of the graphic elements and devices so essential to effective visual communication.
Students are required to interact with incredible amounts of media in current times. Year 8 Media provides an opportunity to engage with the media critically, begin to understand how and why the media is constructed in the ways that it is, and to explore ways of making meaning for themselves through analysing and producing work. They engage with media texts such as film, photography, print and podcasts. They also have the opportunity to construct their own media texts in a variety of forms including photography and podcasts, focusing on current issues.
Units in English are assessed using the following methods:
Click here for the English Pathways Diagram
In Year 8 English, the students continue to develop their ability to use both written and oral language appropriately taking into account purpose and audience. Through historical fiction, and other fictional texts, students develop their awareness of how language changes over time and how it reflects its socio-historical context. Listening, speaking, reading and writing activities are designed to encourage effective expression of ideas and introduce students to concepts and issues relevant to their lives. Students respond to a variety of text modes, concentrating on building the skills of analysis and reflection. The Extended Reading Program encourages students towards becoming literate, broad minded individuals with the capacity to think critically.
English offered by Student Support Services at Year 8
This course provides specific instruction in literacy skills for students with significant literacy difficulties. Students are in smaller class groups which enables increased levels of teacher assistance. Students develop their oral language skills, note-taking skills, and ability to write for different purposes. Explicit teaching of grammar and spelling is tailored to the needs of individual students. Students undertake an end of semester examination. Year 8 Intervention English leads to Year 9 Intervention English.
Participation in this course is by invitation only.
Units in Health and Physical Education are assessed using a range of methods including the following:
Click here for the Health & Physical Education Pathways Diagram
The focus of Physical Education at Year 8 is physical activity. Students are exposed to a variety of sports where they can develop the specialised skills necessary for effective gameplay. Students will learn these skills in isolation, while also being given the opportunity to implement them in a game situation to improve their decision making and problem solving abilities. They will be encouraged to cooperate with others in group work and to value their unique talents and abilities. In theory classes, students will investigate how to enhance personal fitness through lifelong physical activity, health benefits of regular physical activity, consequences of inactivity and sedentary behaviour, domains and dimensions of physical activity, measuring physical activity level, influences on participation in physical activity and barriers to physical activity participation. The practical activities studied in Semester 1 are Soccer/Football, Softball and Badminton. Basketball, Modified/Recreational Games and Volleyball are undertaken in Semester 2.
These units are the foundation for all health electives offered by the College. Health Education at Year 8 aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions that will lead to good health outcomes now and in the future. Students will examine health topics such as identity, self-esteem, diversity, relationships, communication, body image, resilience, mental health, risk taking, harm minimisation, assertive behaviour, alcohol use, food and nutrition as well as the physical and emotional elements of respectful relationships and sexuality. They will also learn self-help techniques to manage a variety of health issues and where to access quality health information and support services. The study of these topics takes place in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment, where students are encouraged to engage in discussion and ask questions.
This subject is designed for students undertaking an ACC sport and will involve ACC games, training and theory lessons. Games and training will occur during regular school hours. Whilst students can elect to do this subject, final selection into this elective will be based on a combination of level of expertise, previous involvement in ACC Sport, behaviour, level of commitment and an ability to represent the College in a sportsmanlike manner.
Students should carefully choose the subject code that fits the ACC sports they wish to play, i.e. 8pHO1 for Semester 1 sports and 8pHT2 for Semester 2 sports. Students wishing to be involved in a sport in Semester 1 and 2 must select this subject for both semesters.
ACC Sports | TERM 1: Swimming and Athletics |
ACC Sports | TERM 3: Hockey, Table Tennis, Basketball and Cross Country |
AREAS OF STUDY – Students will investigate some of the following in relation to their involvement in a specific sport:
Units in the Humanities are assessed using a range of methods including the following:
Click here for the Humanities Pathways Diagram
The Humanities course in Year 8 will comprise a semester of Geography followed by a semester of Economics and History.
In the first semester unit, students will study Geography. In Geography they will investigate the impact of human activities on the natural environment and the way people respond to change. The focus will be upon rainforests and urbanisation. Students use mapping and data collection technology to understand the world around them and the interconnections and changes that take place.
In the second semester unit, students will study a block of Economics and Business, and cover topics such as: The Market System, Consumer Rights, Managing Money and The Future of Work. Following that, students will develop skills needed for the understanding and appreciation of History. Students develop an understanding of how historians approach the study of history and the methods they use to gain knowledge of people and societies of the past. Students will study the social, political and economic features of societies during feudal times in Europe and Japan. Students will study the religious beliefs and ideas of these societies as they responded to changes brought on by historical events.
In Year 8 Languages, students continue studying the language they studied in Year 7.
Units in Languages are assessed using the following methods:
Click here for the Languages Pathways Diagram
Pre-requisite - Students are expected to have completed 8LFR1 before undertaking 8LFR2.
Students continue to develop their knowledge of the French language through the study of grammar and functional expressions as it exists in a range of practical communicative contexts. Through topics such as home and school life, hobbies, and asking for and giving directions, the course develops student interest through a range of activities designed to build spoken, written and comprehension capacity in the language. Students also continue to study culture in the French-speaking world with comparisons to their own environment.
Pre-requisite - Students are expected to have completed 8LIT1 before undertaking 8LIT2.
Students continue to develop their knowledge of the Italian language through the study of grammar and functional expressions as it exists in a range of practical communicative contexts. Through topics such as languages and nationalities, travelling and commuting and food preferences, the course develops student interest through a range of activities designed to build spoken, written and comprehension capacity in the language. Students also continue to study culture in the French-speaking world with comparisons to their own environment.
Pre-requisite - Students are expected to have completed 8LJA1 before undertaking 8LJA2.
Students continue to develop their knowledge of the Japanese language through the study of grammar and functional expressions as it exists in a range of practical communicative contexts. Through topics such as Japanese food, hobbies, and weekly routines, the course develops student interest through a range of activities designed to build spoken, written and comprehension capacity in the language. Students will also be introduced to the Katakana script as they continue to Japanese study culture with comparisons to their own environment.
Units in Mathematics are assessed from a range of the following methods:
Click here for the Mathematics Pathways Diagram
Pre-requisite - Students are expected to have completed 8mMA1 before undertaking 8mMA2.
This subject is part of a two unit course studied in Year 8 Mathematics. Workbooks are checked frequently and homework is regularly given. Throughout the Unit students are expected to complete an application task and several analysis tasks. The application task involves applying skills learnt in a practical situation. Analysis tasks entail finding solutions to non-routine problems. The use of technology is an integrated part of application tasks and coursework.
Pre-requisite - It expected that students have completed 8mMS1 before undertaking 8mMS2.
Foundation Mathematics is a modified course for students with significant numeracy difficulties. Students undertake outcome tests in all topics covered as well as an end of semester examination. Homework is set on a regular basis. Throughout the semester, students complete application and assignment tasks. Year 8 Foundation Mathematics leads to Year 9 Foundation Mathematics.
Participation in this course is by invitation only.
There is an assessment for each content area studied and a Religious Education examination at the end of each semester.
Click here for the Religious Education Pathways Diagram
Each year, students examine topics within five content areas. The Units build on each other in a sequenced approach. These five content areas provide the organisational framework within which the school based Religious Education curriculum is developed.
The Units studied for Year 8 are as follows:
Background to the Gospel
The teachings of Jesus and His life as a Jewish man
People and Ministries in the Church
The First Christians
The Early Church
Before Constantine: Snapshot of the 3rd Century
A Closer look at St Paul
Experiences of Good and Evil
Catholic belief about life after death
Celebrate being Catholic
A closer look at Catholic symbols in the Eucharist
Living the Christian life
In the world: A snapshot of Catholic life around the world
Units in Science are assessed using the following methods:
In Year 8 students build and extend on the Year 7 science course. The Chemistry unit delves into states of matter and matter can change through various types of reactions in in application with elements and compounds. Physics introduces the idea of the conservation of energy, forms of energy and energy transformations. The Earth and Space unit covers weathering, erosion, different rock types and various processes of rock formations within Earth over a variety of time scales. The Biological Science unit analyses the relationship between structure and function of cells, organs and exploration of the various body systems as well as reproduction within unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Units in Materials & Systems Technology are assessed using a range of methods including the following:
Units in Information Technology are assessed using a range of methods including the following:
Click here for the Information Technology Pathways Diagram
* NB. All offerings in Technology are subject to the availability of specialist teaching staff. There will be limited numbers of classes with preference given to those who submit their forms earliest.
Introduce students to the fundamentals of game design and provide them with the skills necessary to create their own games. As part of the course students will expand on their introduction to programming (coding) in Year 7 using other programming languages such as Python. It will address the issues and safety concerns of gaming. It will focus on critical thinking skills; creativity, problem solving, research and collaborative learning.
This course is designed for students who wish to increase their computer skills and knowledge including learning a general programming language. Based upon the new Victorian Curriculum Digital Technologies, students will learn about different types of networks and the hardware and software required to manage a network. They will use tools to organise complex data and identify patterns and trends. Students will be required to solve an information problem using the problem solving methodology – analysis, design, development and evaluation. Through their work on projects students will reinforce their communication skills and the integration of all available software tools to produce a comprehensive solution. As part of the course students will expand on their introduction to programming (coding) in Year 7 using other programming languages such as Python.
This unit focuses on the development of knowledge and skills in designing and manufacturing practical solutions to identified needs. Students follow the Design Process to investigate, design, produce and evaluate solutions to design problems. They learn about design and are introduced to design briefs. They study materials and apply this knowledge to their work, use a range of graphic communication techniques and are introduced to a variety of basic hand tools and equipment. They develop their production skills while observing safe working procedure.
This unit focuses on basic electrical and electronic areas of Technology, Design and Creativity. By applying the Technology Process of investigating, designing, producing, and evaluating, students develop basic skills in circuit production, modelling, testing and printed circuit board manufacture. Students become aware of microcontrollers and their role in society. Safe work practices are required in the workshop environment.